quinta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2013

Xelnath Updates Yorick Info with Tentative Kits!

type='html'>As an update to his first post on Yorick, RiotXelnath's got a few updates for ideas he's tossing around! Check out the details below:

The Good, the Bad, and The Ugly:
Whew... Finally caught up with this thread.

A lot of good thoughts here.

Things filtering to the top:

* Yorick should still be in the front line
* Ghouls are what Yorick is about.
* Ghouls should last longer
* Ghouls should be meaningful to Yorick
* Ghouls should give *some* gold (maybe 5 like Zyra plants?) if you last hit them


* Yorick's free, ranged sustain is highly frustrating and doesn't require himself to be at risk (Compare with Nasus)
* Yorick's snares and lockdown kit (W -> Q) means once you do close, the enemy has no chance to escape in an even match
* Yorick's ultimate is too dependant on allies and feels out of theme with Yorick.
* Yorick's kit doesn't give Yorick players an opportunity to be skillful.

Going to cook up a couple ideas based on the stuff I've seen here. (Keep in mind, no work on this will begin for quite some time - I'm trying to establish a baseline understanding of player expectations and gameplay hypothesis I want to solve.)

Thanks guys

Tentative Kits
RiotXelnath also pieced togther two sample kits that are based on his brainstorm session earlier. Please note that these are Tentative kits and prone to change:

I've thrown together two "kit" ideas based on the concepts posed earlier for discussion of the ideas behind them. Keep in mind, these are only tooltips... and tooltips are much easier to write than abilities are to build. 

Which of these better fits the kind of character Yorick should be? Please explain why you like or hate it. 

Good Talking Points:
* Counterplay - which one provides the better experience?
* Creativity - which one lets the player feel like a pro?
* Cohesiveness - which ones feels like it works well together?

Kit 1

Ghouls buff Yorick. Yorick can give these buffs to an Ally. 

Name: yorick_pitch1_passive.jpg Views: 40253 Size: 41.0 KB Name: yorick_pitch1_q.jpg Views: 40195 Size: 43.8 KB Name: yorick_pitch1_w.jpg Views: 40030 Size: 48.6 KBName: yorick_pitch1_e.jpg Views: 40106 Size: 47.0 KBName: yorick_pitch1_r.jpg Views: 40092 Size: 45.8 KB

Kit 2) 

Ghouls interplay with each other. Yorick's ultimate is a powerful army command tool. 

Name: yorick_pitch2_passive.jpg Views: 40085 Size: 63.6 KB Name: yorick_pitch2_Q.jpg Views: 40042 Size: 43.6 KB 
(Q - Ranged Nuke) 
Name: yorick_pitch2_W.jpg Views: 39960 Size: 44.5 KBName: yorick_pitch2_E.jpg Views: 39952 Size: 49.3 KB
(E - Skillshot) 

Name: yorick_pitch2_R.jpg Views: 40098 Size: 48.5 KB


It's a lot to take in...what do you think about the preliminary ideas?

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