quinta-feira, 15 de agosto de 2013

Tournament VoDs: Week 5

type='html'>R1G1: Blitzcrank-Graves vs Thresh-Urgot
R1G2: Taric-Graves vs Leona-Tristana
R1G3: Janna-Caitlyn vs Leona-Draven
R1G4: Leona-Ezreal vs Thresh-Varus
R2G1: Blitzcrank-Sivir vs Taric-Caitlyn (The recording skipped about 30 minutes here, so this is somewhat into the match already.)
R2G2: Lulu-Caitlyn vs Sona-Ezreal
Finals: Blitzcrank-Miss Fortune vs Lulu-Caitlyn
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Botlane Tournament VoDs: Week 12

type='html'>My stream:

R1G2: Vayne-Taric vs Ezreal-Lulu
R1G4: Varus-Nami vs Graves-Taric
R1G6: Miss Fortune-Sona vs Caitlyn-Taric
R1G8: Miss Fortune-Sona vs Ashe-Lulu
R2G1: Draven-Leona vs Caitlyn-Nunu
R2G4: Draven-Taric vs Tristana-Janna
R3G1: Draven-Tresh vs Graves-Blitzcrank
R3G2: Tristana-Taric vs Quinn-Sona
Finals: Graves-Thresh vs Quinn-Sona

Zarikai's stream, Its PJ casting:

R1G1: Caitlyn-Lulu vs Ezreal-Sona
R1G3: Varus-Thresh vs Ezreal-Sona
R1G5: Varus-Thresh vs Quinn-Sona Part 2
R1G7: Twitch-Janna vs Miss Fortune-Lulu

Thanks Tippani for compiling <3

SNSS today!  And I'm in the middle of writing a thing about leveling Lulu's skills early on, hopefully should finish that tomorrow.
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Botlane Tournament: Week 7 VoDs

type='html'>R1G1: Leona-Tristana vs Taric-Miss Fortune
R1G2: Leona-Ezreal vs Blitzcrank-Caitlyn
R1G3: Sona-Miss Fortune vs Varus-Lulu
R1G4: Janna-Draven vs Nami-Miss Fortune
R2G1: Alistar-Caitlyn vs Sona-Ezreal
R2G2: Soraka-Miss Fortune vs Sona-Corki
Finals: Leona-Ezreal vs Janna-Tristana

Half-bracket this week, since I was casting another event ahead of time and so didn't have time to do a 16-team bracket.  I'll announce this Wednesday whether there will be a tournament this coming Saturday; I might have to take off one week to write a couple final papers, and I'd rather cancel this for a week than cancel the SNSS right after bringing it back.

I've also been updating my Sona guide, so check it out!  (Change log at the bottom, below the charts section)
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NA SNSS VoDs: 21 April

Novice Game
Intermediate Game
Various Game
Advanced Game

If you played or watched, please fill out the feedback form here!  I'm especially looking for feedback on whether the various game is a good idea, especially if you played in it.

And of course thanks Tippani for compiling the list of start times.
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Heimer's VU Will Not Launch With His Kit Rework, Riot Talks Various VUs, Rank Decay Explained, Fixing High Ping, Chow Time

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quarta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2013

Botlane Tournament VoDs: Week 9

type='html'>R1G1: Sona-Ezreal vs Twitch-Thresh
R1G2: Alistar-Varus vs Leona-Draven
R1G3: Nunu-Vayne vs Lulu-Cait
R1G4: Leona-Caitlyn vs Blitzcrank-Graves
R2G1: Leona-Caitlyn vs Lulu-Miss Fortune
R2G2: Nunu-Caitlyn vs Taric-Tristana
Finals: Leona-Tristana vs Lulu-Miss Fortune

VoD is split into two parts for this week because I bluescreened in the middle.  Thanks to dajjbomb for compiling the entire list for me!!

My excuses for not doing this myself last week (and also the general lack of posts recently) are that I've been (gasp) playing League.  And also I was casting another tournament Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights (VoDs here, here, and here).  And also SNSS.

I'm casting for LRSS now, so you might be able to find me streaming on their streams (here and here) sometimes.  If you don't know what LRSS is, I definitely encourage you to look it up---it's a great opportunity for bronze/silver/maybe gold players to play competitive games, and they're casted, which is always awesome.

And finally, I'll leave my thoughts about the Nami buff (her ult base CD being reduced from 140 seconds to 120 seconds at level 1)...WOW!!  She's going to be pretty good against Sona now.  And less bad against Lulu...a LOT less bad against Lulu.  It also makes MF/Nami a strong combo, because their ults now have the same CD.  The range buff is also going to help; I've definitely missed ults by like 100 range more times than I care to remember.
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PBE Updates explained, Morello on Janna/Aura items, Xelnath examines Rengar, Future Caitlyn and the new Rotation and Sale!


janna banner


Riot releases Context notes on the recent PBE changes we’ve seen, explaining each of their decisions (links to each are at the bottom of the article), Xelnath shares his thoughts on Scarizard‘s proposed Rengar tweaks, Morello… Read more…

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