domingo, 11 de agosto de 2013

2013 Champion Tier List - Solo Queue - Patch 3.10 Updated August


Preface Chatter
I've got a little time on my hands so I'll pop up this tier list less than a week after the patch is released. Since it's still early, there will likely be a Patch 3.10 v2 Tier List released at a later date.

Nerfs: Elise, Fiddlesticks, Karthus, Twisted Fate, Vayne, Zac, Ryze
Buffs: Ashe, Malzahar
Tweaks: Ryze, Thresh
Reworks: Master Yi

The Tier List

God Tier: 
Mid-Lane GodsKassadin
Jungle GodsAmumu,  Jarvan IV, Fiddlesticks, Rammus, Sejuani
AD Gods
Top Lane GodsSinged, Wukong
Support Gods:  Janna, Sona

Tier 1:
Mid-LaneZyra, Kennen, Malzahar, Twisted Fate, Diana, Jayce
JungleMaster Yi,  Zac, Nasus, Hecarim, Cho'Gath, Evelynn, Nautilus, Lee Sin, Volibear, Maokai, Shyvana
AD Carry: Caitlyn, Varus, Vayne, Graves, Tristana, Miss Fortune, Ezreal, Kog'Maw, Quinn, Corki, Draven, Twitch
Top Lane: Tryndamere, Master Yi, Kennen, Renekton, Yorick, Jayce, Jarvan IV, Nidalee, Jax, Elise, Irelia, Riven, Lee Sin, Udyr
Support: Thresh, Nami, Taric, Blitzcrank, Leona

Tier 2:
Mid-LaneLux, Brand, Kayle, Annie, Fizz, Mordekaiser, Talon, Vladimir, Ahri, Viktor, Elise, Anivia, Nidalee, Zed, Kha'Zix, Cho'Gath, Swain, Orianna, Xerath, Katarina, Evelynn, Karthus, Ziggs
JungleNocturne, Elise, Udyr, AatroxNunu, Shen, Kha'Zix, Warwick, Malphite, Leona, Shaco, Vi, Trundle, Xin Zhao, Rengar, Diana, Zed
AD Carry:  Ashe, Sivir
Top Lane: Kayle, Rumble, Swain, Teemo, Aatrox, Kha'Zix, Vladimir, Nasus, Shen, Cho'gath, Zac, Darius, Volibear, Garen, Zed, Malphite
Support: Soraka, Lulu, Zyra, Alistar

Tier 3:
Mid-LaneMorgana, Lissandra, Ryze, Akali, Pantheon, Cassiopeia, Galio, Sion, Gragas, Lulu, Fiddlesticks
JungleFiora, Riven, Pantheon, Dr. Mundo,  Skarner, Jax, Kayle, Darius
AD Carry:
Top Lane: Rengar, Fiora, Shyvana, Warwick, Xin Zhao, Ryze, Nunu, Pantheon, Akali, Galio, Talon, Trundle, Dr. Mundo, Poppy
Support: Nunu, Nautilus, Shen, Morgana, Lux, Fiddlesticks, Nidalee

Tier 4:
Mid-Lane Syndra, Veigar, Karma, Kog'maw, Zilean, Leblanc, Soraka, Tristana, Janna, Ezreal, Heimerdinger
JungleTryndamere, Olaf, Gangplank, Blitzcrank, Alistar
AD Carry: Urgot
Top Lane: Gangplank, Urgot, Olaf
Support: Kayle, Malphite, Gangplank, Elise, Maokai, Yorick, Lissandra, Karma, Ashe, Zilean, Leblanc, Caitlyn

  • Heroes in BOLD I will talk about shortly
  • Heroes in Italics may be over/undervalued, but aren't/haven't played enough for me to make a better judgement.
  • Within each tier the champions are strongest from left to right, but within a tier each champion's strength is relatively close. This is especially true for Tiers 2 and 3 where these heroes are ALL highly playable and player dependent on how strong they are in-game.

Champion Explanations
  • Aatrox - (Jungle) Aatrox Jungle is fairly strong, with a decent early game and good gap closer. He does seem to be a bit lacking in the meat shield department, but his passive makes up for it somewhat and he still works well if you have a tanky top and support.
  • AD Carries - I feel like all the AD carries are very even now in terms of sheer numbers. The only difference is in their range and kits, and that of course depends on the match-ups and player mentality. After the Draven and golem nerfs, the only imbalanced picks bot lane are the supports.
  • Ashe - Minor buff, was nice, but nothing to write home about.
  • Elise - Major nerfs to her ganking and chasing potential, and her poke/harass potential was diminished greatly as well. She's still really strong, but definitely has a steeper learning curve in terms of when to trade and use her skills now. Her jungling strength was also slapped down by the rappel nerf.
  • Fizz - Fizz gets a lot of notice, since when he snowballs, he snowballs HARD. However, he still suffers from the same things that other melee glass cannons suffer - if he fails gimping the ad carry in the initial burst, he's a sitting duck with no CDs or health to survive, although building RoA can help.
  • Jarvan IV - After the repeated nerfs to other junglers, Jarvan's rising back up into powerhouse status.
  • Karthus - Karthus nerfs hurt him a decent amount, and was aimed mostly at his late game face-roll suicidal dominance. He'll come back eventually when we least expect it, but he's subpar at the moment in terms of sheer numbers.
  • Lissandra - Lissandra is...okay, she's got a safe laning phase and a decent ultimate, but because she places herself directly in harm's way to deal her damage, if the team can't follow up on it then she dies very quickly. Her laning phase is good and her potential is high, but you need to also need good follow-up.
  • Lux - She'll always fluctuate between Tiers 1 and 2 just like AP Nidalee. Her potential level is very high, but so is her failure level. She needs to be placed on a team that's willing to wait for the perfect time to strike, and not initiate directly after she misses both her CCs...which teams tend to do for some strange reason...
  • Master Yi - Master Yi is OP right now. AP Yi is dead, but his AD counterpart has been buffed to a whole new level. He's definitely not god-tier since he's counterable with the right team (think Malphite/Jarvan/Rammus), but his damage, clear speed, and ganking strength is pretty slick. His rework has also brought back the most hated strategy since Season 1...backdoor splitpush Yi.
  • Nunu - Nunu's a little meh right now. It's not as fun to invade when the success rate is diminished by the nerfs.
  • Rengar - I'll give credit when credit is due. His early game is very strong, and his mid-game is also very strong. However, if you can wait him out until late game, his build options limit him to either a glass melee fighter or a tanky fighter with tiny burst output. He's alright, but I think he won't be amazing until the rework.
  • Ryze - His tweak was indeed a nerf. His ability to trade is very limited now compared to before.
  • Shyvana - Her buffs have made her very strong...for those of you who doubt the strength of junglers without CC, just think back to the month after M5 made Shyvana a top pick last season.
  • Thresh - Thresh is still a play-maker, but his tweaks have made him more fragile during his jump-into-the-fray mode. Janna and Sona are really much more consistent picks in terms of safety and utility.
  • Twisted Fate - His nerfs definitely hurt his overall win rate by quite a bit, and the nerf on his pick-a-card has diminished his ability to mind-game. However, in terms of sheer damage he was untouched, so his mid-game ganking burst and late game utility are still good.
  • The purpose of this list is for discussion and to provide a starting point for hero selection.
Agree? Disagree? Comment below!

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